Friday 10 December 2010

Finished Soap Trailer, 'Nangreave Road'

This is our finished soap trailer of Nangreave Road.

Ancillary Product- Soap Magazine Front Cover Final

After receiving both negative and positive feedback from my soap magazine draft front cover, i chose to use the elements that worked well and produce a new final cover in Adobe Photoshop. I chose a large focal image as the eyes are immediately drawn to it, especially with the striking colours surrounding it. I feel this front cover works a lot more effectively than my draft as it really represents a real soap magazine front cover with all the current conventions.

Ancillary Product- Soap Magazine Front Cover First Draft

Another ancillary product i produced was a soap magazing (tv listings) front cover. This advertises 'Nangreve road'. The main image isnt that of my soap as i felt the image i had used was alot stronger than another i could have used.

Ancillary Product- Soap Billboard Final

Like with the soap magazine front cover, i also chose to produce a more effective billboard advertising our soap 'Nangreave road'. The final billboard and the draft although not that different, i felt this final one worked a lot better. I produced this in Adobe Photoshop and over layed the dominating image with a red transparent filter to echo the BBC ONE institution colours. I increased the image size in this final draft to make sure it is noticeable and dominating under the street sign. I also decreased the sizing of the BBC ONE logo as i felt it was too overpowering in the draft billboard and is now appearing noticeable yet subtle.

Ancillary Product- Soap Billboard First Draft

This shows a possible billboard advertising the new soap 'Nangreave road' i used an image from the actual trailer, then used photoshop to allow me to fade writing and the street sign over. the use of the 'handwriting' and 'notepaper' gives it more of a feeling of the genre.

Photographs From Soap Trailer

These images show the production process of our soap trailer, including our chosen locations and characters.
This photo shows the corridor being used in the final scene in the soap trailer, as its usually relatively empty, it felt appropriate to use for the intense final shots.
This image shows the 3 female characters that are present in the soap trailer, in this scene in particular, they are discussing the recent antics of one of their friends/boyfriend.

This is the setting for the drug scene in the trailer for nangreave road. This is outside the college and worked well for the intended nature of the scene.

In order for us to do a 'drug scene' we used sugar in cling film to give the impression that it was real, this gave us something to work with when exchanging the prop with the money during filming. acting as a visual aid for both the audience and the actors/actresses.

This image was taken during the 'drug scene', we were experimenting with different shots and ways to approach the scene.

This was taken during the filming of the main corridor for both the begining of the trailer and the billboard. This enabled us to really get the busy nature of the college which is obviously what we wanted to achieve in our trailer.

This photograph shows the scene when 2 of the male characters discuss what happened on 'saturday night' we used alot of over the shoulder shots when filming this scene as it enabled us to view the reactions of the characters whilst discussing something somewhat awkward.

This is one of the final scenes of the trailer, showing the conflict between the student and the teacher. The positioning of the characters and the shots once again reflect the tension and argumentative nature between the characters, both seeming very strong headed.


We chose to use the BBC ONE institution as it was linked to similar products i.e. Waterloo Road.
We felt that BBC ONE was the most appropriate institution for 'Nangreave Road'

The BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world. Its mission is to enrich people's lives with programmes that inform, educate and entertain.


When it came to casting our TV trailer we felt it would be appropriate to use pupils from Aquinas College, as that was where we were filming our trailer.
We found assigning actors/actresses to the characters easy, as we then developed a characterisation once this had been done, giving the person playing this character an ability to add their own touch.

Costume wasn't something of an issue with our soap trailer as we chose to do our college based soap in non uniform as it proved simpler when filming around the college as no uniforms are present in Aquinas College.

Props consisted of normal college furniture, that was already in the setting. Although we did chose to undergo a drug scene in which a small bag of substance was exchanged for money. In this instance we chose to use sugar is it gave the audience and the characters a visual aid.


We produced the script for Nangreave road as a group, this enabled us to contribute towards the story lines and the characters. We each were able to have a say in the lines of the characters and the different shots etc. Working as a group to do this really encouraged us to share ideas with one another, to produce an effective outcome rather than if done alone. We chose to lay the text out in a real script like style, making it easy to read and putting the camera instructions in red. This helped when it came to filming.

Audience Research

I chose to gather information about soaps etc using a questionnaire. I distributed approximately 10 to various members of my Media class in order to gain more information on what people looked for and preferred in a soap. After receiving all the completed questionnaires, i was able to analysis the results and take them forward into the production of my soap trailer.

Similar Products

Here i explored the different screen shots in an opening sequence of The Inbetweeners, its shows the numerous camera angles used to create the appropriate scenery.

Planning for trailer

After analysing numerous TV soaps that are on the moment, i am able to apply knowledge learnt from these trailers in what works well and what doesn't. i aim to produce a trailer of a soap based around college life, this will aim at an audience of similar ages to those in the soap (17+). In the trailer i aim to tackle things that are of importance to teens, those being relationships, friendships etc.
Location: Aquinas college, interior and exterior.
Props: School books/School bags and a bag of sugar (acting as an imitation of drugs).
Costume: Everyday average college clothes (no uniform) and smarter attire for those playing the higher roles such as teachers.
Actors: College students with previous acting knowledge/current acting and a teacher.

Similar Products

This is a short trailer from Waterloo Road, a soap based around high school and sixth form students and their life drama's, it is shown on BBC ONE. This soap has proved the most beneficial when planning for our soap trailer as this is the type of product we were aiming for. The setting of the programme and the age range of the characters boast similarity to the desired outcome.

Similar Products

This is a trailer from the Eastenders spin off 'E20', this represents a similar product to our targeted outcome for our soap trailer, mainly due to the age of the characters in  the show being in the 'teens'. A series like this enables us to gather idea's for our soap trailer, the characters, setting and storylines.

Similar Products

This trailer of the channel 4 sitcom of The Inbetweeners was also an inspiration towards my soap trailer, it still ties in with the 'school/college' theme i was following, yet the inbetweeners appeals more to an older target audience, being more of a comedy rather than a drama.

Screen Shot Analysis

Once i had chosen a direction of my soap trailer, i produced secondary research using Waterloo Road, this in some ways is a similar genre of the direction my soap trailer was going down. I used a few screen shots to describe and analyse the shots frequently used in the drama.

Audience Research

Before i produced a trailer for a new soap, i chose to use a questionnaire, enabling me to see what it is people look for in a soap. I did this by seeing what soap was the most popular among the people i asked, the estimated age range of those most likely to watch and the influences on what TV programmes you watch. This gave me an insight into what the public want, allowing me to produce a new up and coming soap to appear on the BBC that is appropriate for my target audience.